テスラの横に、より手頃な価格のEVを起動する 3-4 年


それが技術になるとテスラは、世界で最高の電気自動車メーカーの一つである. The carmaker makes the most technologically advanced and the most popular electric vehicles on the market, but its EVs are also very expensive.

Take the Model S for example. This supercar can go over 200 miles per single charge under normal operating conditions and it has all sorts of technology inside. Yes, it is a great car. But, from an average driver’s perspective it is incredibly expensive at around $100,000.

That might not always be the case though. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk recently teased via his Twitter page the company’s future vision for a more affordable electric vehicle.

Musk says that the vehicle won’t show up for at least 3 へ 4 years and that it would cost about $30,000 in today’s money. He also says the vehicle would have a 200+ mile driving range and some really cool tech that they can’t talk about yet.

That really cool tech could include something along the lines of the ability to exchange empty battery packs for fully charged ones to extend the electric driving range. That is a trick that Tesla recently hinted at in an SEC filing and such a system would revolutionize the electric vehicle market.

2013 Tesla Model S front




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